Pozdrav svima. This week I greet y'all with Croatian language. How's y'all holiday? As for me, just using my holiday to recuperate myself from sickness. Anyway, I'm almost completely healed right now hence there is no reason to not update these blog this week.
Let's commence now.
This week we are having another talk but we will go there later. First I will tell y'all what happen before the talk start. It's already 9 o'clock but our lecturers still were not enter the room. While waiting for the lecturers to come, other students are busy with their own things such as study, talk with their friends, etc. Here I show you some examples :
Reading novel time.
Time is golden. Never let it slip away even a second. Use it for study.
Then around 9.13 Dr Redzuan enter the room. He sit and do some adjust to the laptop that will be use for the talk. He search some information on the Internet. I forget already what he search about but around 9.17, Dr Kamal enter the room. Dr Kamal inform us that the talk will start on 10 a.m. There's still a lot of time so Dr Kamal take this opportunity to say something.
First, Dr Kamal talk about our industrial visit. It will be held on next week but unfortunately Dr Kamal said he can't follow us that day because he have other important thing hence other lecturer will replace him. Next, Dr Kamal told us the class next week after the industrial visit is cancel. Hence our poster presentation will be on the next two week but the deadline to submit the poster is still on 27 November. We need to submit it via email. Dr Kamal remind us that the poster mark will be the important factor whether we will get A+. A or A- for this subject.
Second, Dr Kamal ask have we open the e-PPP? e-PPP is a portal where we will comment our lecturers. Dr Kamal ask us to surf the portal and give comments to our lecturers because the lecturers also has their own marks to be categorized whether they are excellent, great, good, etc in teaching students and other stuff.
For y'all who are reading my blog, if you are a UTM student, you can surf the portal right now because I'm giving its address here : https://aimsweb.utm.my/eppp/index.asp
To fill up the time, Dr Kamal ask us how we find the MJIIT is unique from others faculty or universities. Looks like there is no volunteer to answer the question hence Dr Kamal just call a random name from the name list. Zulhafizan was selected to answer the question but his answer are quite not unique hence Dr Kamal ask another volunteer to help Zulhafizan. Asyraf volunteered himself. He said the uniqueness of MJIIT is besides lecturers, here we have a personal adviser to help us if we have problems. Then the discussion of research in MJIIT is more conducive.
Then there is another question. Dr Kamal ask us what is the most important thing that we should have when we graduate and enter the working environment? The answer is ethics & morality. Even if we are so rich or a genius, but if we don't have a high quality of ethics & morality, we will not be a great person.
After that, before the talk start, Dr Kamal take our attendance.
Zulhafizan try his best to answer the question.
Dr Kamal & Dr Redzuan checking our attendance.
Finally the speaker has arrived. This week Dr Kamal invite an important person from Titan Thermal Solutions (TTS) Sdn Bhd. The speaker is none other than the executive director from TTS, Mr Vivek Panicker.
Mr Vivek is giving us talk about Electronic Systems in Industry. Mr Vivek will explain to us 4 topics which are : i) Overview of Electronic Systems
ii) Role of Electronics in Industry
iii) Overview of Imaging Industry
iv) Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry
First : Overview of Electronic Systems
Mr Vivek start with the definition of electronics. He take the definition from Wikipedia which is electrical
circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes,
transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive
interconnection technologies. For electronic systems, it is a group of electronic circuits designed
for a specific purpose.
Mr Vivek then told us four more points which are :
-Electronic system is a fundamental
to our daily life
-It have
played a key role in advancement of technology
-It have replaced
previous systems and are more integrated into current society
-It also will
be a mainstay in future development
Next is the progression of Electronics System. Mr Vivek explain the evolving in electronics system has begin for a long time. Electronic object has changed from a large component to a smaller size the become mini size. From a simple structure has turn to a complex structure, and from analog system has change to digital system.
Second : Role of Electronics In Industry
Mr Vivek continue with the role of electronics in industry which are :
to current information and technology era
seamlessly through various industries
catalyst to enhanced production and productivity within the industry
Industries today are heavily dependent on Electronics
The conventional are classified into : -Consumer
-Information Processing System
day medical, imaging, transportation and power utilities
segments are classified individual.
Next, Mr Vivek explain a little for each conventional & individual.
a) Consumer Electronics
§Oldest segment of electronics with the advent of radio
§Geared towards the push of consumer products
§E.g. Microwave, Discman, Nintendo
b) Industrial
§Oriented towards manufacturing products required by
modern industry
§Process controlled equipment, robotic equipment for test
and measurement
§E.g. Network
Analyzers , Robotic Arms, Electronic Control Systems
c) Defence
§Strategic , creates spin-off electronics for other
§Pushed the growth of Material Science technology
§Frontier of modern electronics
d) Communications
§Current rapid growing field
§Benefited from semiconductor lasers, optical fibre technology, digital
e) Information
Processing Systems
§Development of
Integrated Circuits (IC’s), Application Specific Integrated Circuits
(ASIC) designs,
§Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits;
micro-controllers, microprocessors, memory modules, Field- Programmable Gate
f) Medical
§Creation of medical testing and monitoring equipment
§E.g. ECG machine, NMK scanner
g) Imaging
§Developing and providing the platform for new techniques
§Create a modern infrastructure to provide detail imaging
For the foremost, electronic systems play two crucial past in industry which are:
- as a platform for development of design of new systems
- as means to increase productivity of current systems
Next, Mr Vivek turn to the third topic which is Overview of Imaging Industry. Mr Vivek told us that imaging is the representation of an objects's outward form. We have various types of imaging around us which are:
-Chemical imaging, the simultaneous
measurement of spectra and pictures.
-Digital imaging, creating digital
images, generally by scanning or through digital photography.
-Geophysical imaging
-Medical imaging, creating images of
the human body or parts of it, to diagnose or examine disease.
-Molecular imaging
-Optical imaging
-Radar imaging, or imaging radar,
for obtaining an image of an object, not just its location and speed.
-Thermography, thermal imaging.
The advent in electronics has made imaging move into a new heights. New methodologies has been developed and this has moved imaging technology into new wavelength and capture different spectrum.
Then, Mr Vivek continue with the basic concept & terms. The first is pixels & resolution. A digital image is formed by pixels. It is the smallest piece of information in an image. It also often represented using dots, squares, or rectangle.
More pixels in image, the sharper and clearer the image.
The second is about video & frames. Mr Vivek said a digital stream of video is made of a group of pictures (frames) captured across a period of time.
More frames per second, the lesser the jitter in the video.
§Human eye requires a minimum 25 frames a second.
§PAL TV standard :-
§25 frames per second(25 hertz or 50 hertz half frame).
§Resolution of 320 by 720.
§Asia, Europe, South America and East Africa .
§NTSC TV standard:-
§30 frames per second(30 hertz or 60 hertz half frame).
§Resolution of 480 by 720.
§North America and Japan.
Mr Vivek told us there is advantage of electronics in imaging industry. As we know, imaging industries requires processing huge quantities of data in a short span. Electronics eases these complexities hence making imaging technology affordable.
Finally, Dr Vivek move to the last topic which is Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry. Mr Vivek told us that thermal imaging originally is a spin-off defence electronics. It makes use of wavelengths in
7-14 µm to form an image. Sensors make use of focal plane arrays and are commonly Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs). Thermal imaging also often referred to as "dirty imaging system" compared to CCD & CMOS architecturing.
Mr Vivek explain that a lot of pre and post processing of data is required. Thermal requires Non-Uniformity Calibration (NUC) on data stream. Data varies in state and space. Enables implementation of intensive algorithms such as Kalman filters, Edge Detection, Neural Network Modeling.
There is an equation for thermal imaging :
are expanded into models that are described in electronics :
Graphical depiction of the linear interpolation model for sub pixel 2D motion. The shaded pixels represent the interpolated irradiance value at time k + 1.
Mr Vivek said various other industries has used thermal imaging such as in :
Research & Developement (R&D)
Medical research
It has been proved that electronics & the advancement of technology has huge impact on Thermal Industry.
It is growth from Solid State Devices to Material Science Development to Digital Imaging Methodologies.
Lastly, in Q&A session, Mr Vivek told us that there are no limitations in electronics. It is depends on our
imagination. Also the future of thermal imaging is a never blind architecture.
Then Mr Vivek added, electronics shapes the way we interact with each other, community, even the world.
Furthermore, human is actually the greatest electronic system ever. Our brain is the electronic system.
In thermal imaging, industry use infrared because it can penetrate the object completly. Unlike others such as uv rays which is 75% are absorb by atmosphere. Plus, every creature and object in the world exhibit infrared hence it is much more convenience to us infrared in thermal imaging.
After that, class is finished. A lot of information have we get from Mr Vivek. What an exciting talk. Here I show you several pictures that was taken during the talk :
Mr Vivek is so passion in giving this talk.
Give 100% focus while hearing the talk.
Before all of us dismissed, Dr Redzuan give a little briefing for the industrial visit on next week. Dr Redzuan ask us to gather at cafe in Kolej Siswa Jaya on 7.30 a.m. Our cloth must be smart. If can, for male students please wear a collar shirt with slack trousers + shoes. No round neck shirt, jeans and sandals.
Alright, that's all for this week. I'm so sorry if this blog is so long that make y'all feel tired & yawn while read it. Anyway, I say thank you because still finish read it. Let's wait for the next week blog. Until then, vidimo se kasnije.
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